Monday, November 06, 2006

Land of the Free

Recent questions from the other teachers at my school, translated from the original Indonesian:

Why don't Americans believe in God?

What sort of child-rearing methods do Americans use to instill such a sense of independence in their children?

Can bison be domesticated?

It's no wonder that I'm constantly confused in the teacher's room.


Melyngoch said...

What sort of child-rearing methods do Americans use to instill such a sense of independence in their children?

Clearly, we're out domesticating bison from a very young age.

Anonymous said...

Do you remember when my Indonesia teacher Ima was so shocked and impressed when she saw me walking with Luke and Isaac and I was not holding their hands and yet they were following me along so obediently? They were 5 and 8 years old for goodness sakes. Child rearing method for raising independent children: don't hold their hands when they are 5 and 8 when walking. Expect them to follow you.