Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Whose Fault Is This?

In the past three days, I've been in India, Singapore, Malaysia, and Cambodia. Somewhere in those three days, I've picked up a nasty cold, which has, strangely enough, spread to my eye; in addition to a runny nose, cough, and persistent headache, I now have a symptom I've never experienced before: I can't see out of my right eye because it's covered in pus. The poor Duke has already suffered in-detail descriptions and displays of this probable pink eye, which I find strangely fascinating as well as disgusting, but now, upon realizing that I have a whole wide audience upon which to inflict my pain, I will tell you all this: I can see, and feel, the pus filming over my eyeball and congealing in the corners. When I wipe it away, it looks, and feels, just like snot--watery, greenish-yellow lumps. It's like my eye noticed that my nose was running and wanted to join the fun. It is so. freaking. disgusting. And, let me tell you, wonders of the world are slightly less, well, wondrous, when you have to keep blowing your eye so you can actually see them.

I blame India. I usually do.


B.G. Christensen said...

They're to blame for most things.

Th. said...


I've had an eye cold before--waking up in the morning, my eyes crusted shut, stumbling to the bathroom, soaking my face till the pus has moistened up enough to scrape off my eyelids....good times.

Anonymous said...

The Duke is being very polite to suffer through your descriptions since he had exactly the same thing last week-- has he pointed out to you that it not new to him?

Genuine Draft said...

That's incredible. I actually had a discussion about blowing one's eye just yesterday.

Petra said...


Actually, The Duke did not have exactly the same thing last week--his eye was red and irritated and crusted over, but mine was actively expelling pus. He agrees that not only is that distinction important, my affliction was far more disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Which goes to show that your persuasive power over him is complete.

Anonymous said...

now you're making me think of that south park song, but with new words - "blame india!"

Katie said...

Look on the bright side: it probably won't affect your vision in the long run. But if it did and your eye totally deteriorated, you could get a cool fake eye like me . . . something you could pop out and show to people instead of telling them about the pus :)

eleka nahmen said...

It's the Republican Party's fault.

yaj000 said...

Hope you have recovered from your ailments, and are enjoying your adventures in Camodia or elsewhere.

I was hoping to see an update on Angkor Vat. :) But your adventures are so much more exciting than that.

Cheers and safe travels.

We probably checked email at the same location: On second floor on Singapore terminal near the 7/11 and free video game stations. :) Well that was last weekend, and I am back in Nor Cal right now.

Kristy said...

Woah, how does a cold spread to one's eye? I'm not doubting it, I just feel so bad for you! My eyelid once swole up to the size of a red grape once, after a nasty spider bite. But I guess that'd be comparing apples to...red grapes.

Rolfo said...

I try to be understanding of ailments, especially pus-involving ones, but your complete lack of posts in the last forever I find inexcusable. Time to fix that now, woman.

Melyngoch said...

Seriously. Come on, darling, we know you're back in the air-conditioned cheese-lined west; no more excuses.