Monday, November 05, 2007

Not Living, Just Killing Time

Got too much time on your hands?

So do these people. But it makes for good listening.

You could visit my favorite corner of the Bloggernacle.

I haven't ever fully understood an article by Chomsky either. But this is a good way to waste 30 seconds.

One of my favorite writers has a blog. I'm trying hard not to hyperventilate.

Read a book by email. I'm still not sure how I feel about this one.

Find out why I've been crying constantly since early last week.

No, no, wait, I'm not crying. It's just been raining on my face.

Or, of course, we could all get back to work.


Unknown said...

i'm makin' a lasagnaaaa... for one.

i heart you, petra. and now i really want to listen to some okkervil river. you do that to me.

ambrosia ananas said...

Re the endowment--that would be so frustrating. Totally sounds like a double standard to me. (Plus, if anyone on this planet should be endowed before 25, it's you.)

Zillah said...

My bishop did the same thing to me re the endowment. I was incredibly aggravated; I still have difficulty understanding why a 17-year-old bride is given leave, but if a female graduate student with nothing but a desire to grow in knowledge, understanding, and strength expresses a desire to receive the endowment, she is automatically branded as "not ready" and viewed with suspicion.

When I got engaged, I actually had to receive special permission to go through the temple more than a week before the sealing (we're talking two months here--and it had to go through the stake president--and I was 24). Five years earlier, my friend had talked her way into a temple recommend at the tender age of 19, and a few months later, another friend received her endowment when she was 23, engagement and mission free.

The line about applying a universal standard is a crock. If the endowment is for the individual, why are cases not considered on an individual basis? Perhaps that should be the universal rule, rather than the random and thoughtless application of a condescending and arbitrary non-doctrinal rule.

I don't get riled up about this or anything, obviously.

Zillah said...

Besides (to continue), the rule that unless you are older, you can only receive your endowment if you are going to be married or if you are going on a mission seems to perpetrate the underlying feeling in the church that everyday life is really just preparation for the really hard and important stuff--missions and marriage--invalidating the difficulty and importance of our daily existence. People who aren't married and have not gone on missions are still full members of the church, and need the strength and the wisdom of the temple ordinance as much as anybody else does. The culture of the Church does far too much to divide the members into first and second class citizens.

Maybe I should get ready to go to church now...

Petra said...

I couldn't agree more, Zillah. And I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who gets riled up about this.