Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Must Love Puns

Petra seeking rock-solid relationship to take a lode off her mind. Me: cleavage and a gneiss disposition. You: a boulder to lean on, neither animal nor vegetable, never full of schist--a real gem. Must enjoy a sedimentary lifestyle. Must not resent intrusions. If you don't take me for granite and bring me shear bliss, I'll gravel at your feet. Together we can study zones of orogeny and make the bed rock.

Moss gatherers need not apply.


B.G. Christensen said...

Sadly, my dear, I am too married for you and you are too female for me.

Anonymous said...

And his name should be . . . Peter? Pedro, Pierre?

alea said...

Clearly, the only sensible option is Eilert (see here). And then your kids will be "between a Perta and an Eilert".

Go start dating Scandanavian men!

Katie said...

His name should definitely not be Peter. Peters are bad news! (Except in Biblical instances)

Tolkien Boy said...

I get as far as "I'm your toke in boy..." and have to stop.

Tolkien Boy said...

But I'm used to being by my elf. It's kind of a hobbit with me. I may be something of an intellectual dwarf, but I ent met someone yet who's trolled for dates for as many years as I have with nothing more going for him than a winning smile and a pair of Orcleys.

Okay, I'll stop.