Sunday, November 30, 2008

Take That, Chomsky

I half-awoke in the dark this morning and rolled over--bleary, confused, and still exhausted--to peek at my alarm: was it time to get up?  When I saw the time, an hour before the alarm, my first and sincere thought was, "Oh no! Only an hour! I'd better sleep furiously or I'll be tired all day!"

An hour later I woke up laughing: even in my sleep, I giggle me


Katie said...

You giggle me, too ;)

Th. said...


He had it coming.

mysh said...

Nice work, butterfly.

(I know you're not saying this, but I am: Chomsky = over-rated clap clap clap-clap-clap.)

Petra said...


Trust me, everyone's saying it.

Anonymous said...

My favorite part is how wiki says that phrase had never occurred in an English discourse. Pretty presumptuous assertion, to my way of thinking...

Snoop said...

And if you were dreaming in colorless green, we would have to conclude that your body was possessed by the Chom, himself

Expavesco said...

I laughed.